PRODA-klasser med Anna-Lise Marie Hearn!

                                            Fredag 01.04 kl.18:00 – 19:30
                                            Lørdag 02.04 kl.10:00 – 11:30
                                            Søndag 03.04 kl.11:00 – 12:30
                                            Sted: Speilet, Atelierhuset på TOU


                                                                                                foto: Neda Rajabi
Class description:
Anna-Lise creates a positive and safe space for dancers to explore and expand themselves physically and mentally. The class moves seamlessly from improvisation into guided physical phrase work, led sensitively by Anna-Lise. The class begins by exploring and bringing awareness into the body through improvisation-based exercises, working both independently and in response to others, moving into progressive exercises across the floor and through the space.
Classes are full of energy, exploration and play. Further into the class, more complex movement phrases and exercises will be explored using what has been developed and established from the beginning of the class. Within these phrases, you explore the body’s movement capabilities, qualities and textures, and the patterns and power of movement in space. There is a strong focus placed on articulation and personal exploration inside the physical technique of the movement. There is value placed on the feeling of being expansive in space, with equal attention paid to detail and intricacy. Within the movement exercises and phrases, there is an energy that flows throughout the whole body, reflected in the energy given out to every participant in the studio, creating an enjoyable, open and energised session from beginning to end.

Within her classes, Anna-Lise aims to challenge, engage and inspire every individual she works with, supporting them in their personal artistic and technical development.
Anna-Lise Marie Hearn:
Anna-Lise Marie Hearn (she/her) is a British-Norwegian dance and movement specialist and artist based between Oslo, Berlin, and London. She works across the dance sector as a choreographer, movement director, dance educator and artist coach. 
Anna-Lise’s choreographic work spans collaborative projects, commissioned work, commercial productions, and self-produced work within both live performance (stage, site-specific, outdoor, and alternative performance spaces) and film (conceptual, commercial, fashion, music video). Alongside her work as a choreographer and movement director, Anna-Lise has extensive teaching experience working with professional dancers, in professional dance education, pre-professional training, youth dance and community dance teaching improvisation, dance composition, modern and contemporary dance.

Anna-Lise also works as an artist coach and choreographic coach, offering personalised one-to-one coaching for those entering, working in, or professionally associated with the creative industries. Artist Coaching supports and champions personal, professional and artistic development. Creating a safe, stimulating environment where the artist feels supported in identifying challenges, working towards their goals and living their potential. Choreographic Coaching supports both the maker in their development and investigation process, and the creative development of the work itself.
Anna-Lise Marie Dance ◆ www.anna-lisemarie.com

25.03 – 27.03 PRODA med Vibeke Sæther

Neste helg blir det PRODA-klasser med Vibeke Sæther!

NÅR:                                                                                                                                                                         Fredag 25.mars kl.18:00 – 19:30                                                                                                                           Lørdag 26.mars kl.10:00 – 11:30                                                                                                                         Søndag 27.mars kl.11:00 – 12:30

HVOR:                                                                                                                                                                 Dansesal v/Vågen VGS i Sandnes                                                                                                                             Adresse: Holbergs gate 23, 4306 Sandnes



Om pedagogen og klassen:

Vibeke er utdannet ved NDHS og videre i Amsterdam. Hun har arbeidet både utøvende og skapende. Vibeke har lang erfaring som pedagog ved flere videregående skoler, ved OMK og ved dansehøyskolene i Oslo, samt at hun har undervist ved UiS – Fakultet for utøvende kunstfag for en kortere periode. Hun har vært fagansvarlig i moderne/samtidsdans ved Spin Off forstudium i dans.


‘Mine samtidsdans klasser er Axis Syllabus basert. Jeg legger vekt på at øvelsene skal være organiske, slik at man jobber anatomisk riktig og avspent i forhold til egen kropp.’


26.02 – 27.02: Workshop med MOCO – Movement Collective

MOCO – Movement Collective, i samarbeid med DansiS, inviterer til gratis workshop i kontaktimprovisasjon for regionens dansekunstnere! 

Når: lørdag 26.februar, kl.10:00 – 11:00

        søndag 27.februar, kl.10:00 – 11:00

Hvor: Speilet, TOU

Workshopen er gratis, men du må melde deg på slik at vi får en oversikt over hvor mange som kommer.

Link til påmeldingsskjema finner du her: https://forms.gle/gP33FV62MJ1cZpCT6


04.02 – 06.02 PRODA med Anette Bonnez

Til helgen blir det reformer pilates!

Anette Bonnez ved House of Movement kommer til å guide oss gjennom 75 min. klasser på pilates reformer – hvor du får utfordret både styrke og bevegelighet.

På grunn av stor etterspørsel og begrenset plass har vi satt opp ekstra klasser både på lørdag og søndag. Det er viktig at du møter opp til den klassen du har meldt deg på ettersom vi har et visst antall reformere. 

Fredag 4.februar kl.18:00 – 19:15 

Lørdag 5.februar kl.10:00 – 11:15 

Lørdag 5.februar kl.11:45 – 13:00 

Søndag 6.februar kl.09:30 – 10:45 

Søndag 6.februar kl.11:00 – 12:15 


NB: Det er fremdeles noen ledige plasser igjen på helgens pilatesklasser! Ta kontakt dersom du ønsker å melde deg på klasse(r) –> proda@dansis.no

03.12 – 05.12 PRODA med Robert Hewitt

Til helgen blir det PRODA-klasser med Robert Hewitt!

Fredag 3.desember kl.18:00 – 19:30

Lørdag 4.desember kl.10:00 – 11:30

Søndag 5.desember kl.11:00 – 12:30

Sted: Dansesalen v/Stavanger Katedralskole avd. Bjergsted,                                                                     Sandvigå 9,                                                                                                                                                                 4007 Stavanger


Om klassene og pedagogen:

Robert Hewitt was born in England and trained at the Royal Ballet School. Since 2004 he has been working as a freelance ballet teacher, guesting regularly with companies and schools throughout Europe, including Carte Blanche, Cullberg Ballet, Danish Dance Theatre, Summer Seminar and DOCH Stockholm, as well as several institutions throughout Norway. 

Roberts class follows a logical and organic progression with a strong emphasis on placement, musicality and freedom of movement.




Workshop i samtidsdans med Nina Wollny!

DansiS har gleden av å invitere deg til workshop med Nina Wollny til helgen!

Når:                                                                                                                                                                            fredag 26.november kl.18:00 – 20:00                                                                                                                       lørdag 27.november kl.10:00 – 12:00                                                                                                                 søndag 28.november kl.11:00 – 13:00

Hvor:                                                                                                                                                                Dansesalen v/Stavanger Katedralskole avd. Bjergsted,                                                                            Sandgvigå 9, 4007 Stavanger

Workshopen er gratis, men du må melde deg på for å delta –> Påmelding HER


         Foto: Juliane Schütz 

Om pedagogen:                                                                                                                                                             Nina Wollny studied contemporary dance at the Rotterdam Dance Academy,  now Codarts, in the Netherlands. After her graduation in 2002 she joined the company anoukvandijkdc and has worked there as dancer, rehearsal director and artistic assistant for more than 10 years. She performed in most of Anouk van Dijk’s works during that time, including the collaborations with director and playwright Falk Richter and Anouk van Dijk’s first work as director of Chunky Move in Melbourne, Australia. At the age of 15 she started teaching ballet and later contemporary and discovered how much she enjoys teaching, sharing dance and performing alike. Wollny has taught at dance academies, companies and studios for professional dancers around the world since 2004. Since 2013 Nina is performing and collaborating regularly with German choreographer Jenny Beyer at Kampnagel in Hamburg, Germany and in Norway she is working with Mia Habib Productions, most recently in the work «How to die -Inopiné”, as well as BodyCartography Project and Molitrix.


Om workshopen:                                                                                                                                                Exploring and learning about how the human body works and how the different parts collaborate can have a strong and sometimes even magical impact on our movement, presence and perception. The heightened state of awareness, that this takes us into can enrich and strengthen the way we dance.                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Each day the class will be based on one topic related to how the human body works from a small simple detail to bigger connections within the organism and its relation to the world. Each topic will be explored by looking at visual material, free physical exploration, guided exercises and gradually accumulate into an energetic movement phrase, that plays with all levels of space, speed, flow and the forces that move us. I am looking forward to dance with you.