Til helgen blir det samtidsdans med Iselin Brogeland i Haugesund!
Fredag 27.november kl.18:00 – 20:00
Lørdag 28.november kl.10:00 – 12:00
Sted: Haugesund
Klassebeskrivelse: Klassen er detaljert, leken og av høy intensitet med sterkt fokus på resirkulering av energi. Vi beveger oss inn og ut fra gulvet og jobber kontinuerlig med sammenkoblinger mellom oss selv, andre og rommet vi er i. Dette gir muligheten til å jobbe med oss selv som en helhet.
Et annet element som føres frem i løpet av timen er ideen om at kroppen skal være i en konstant spiral. Spiralene hjelper danseren til å se seg selv, andre og rommet fra alle kanter.
Klassen kombinerer både improvisasjon og strukturert materiale med sikte på å utvikle autonomt engasjement og en leken bevissthet.
Vi vil dele energi og stadig utfordre grensene våre. Klassen tilbyr et dynamisk, trygt og åpent rom for refleksjon der læringen hele tiden resirkuleres mellom danser og underviser.
Om pedagogen: Ane Iselin is a dancer, performer, maker and athlete currently living in Stavanger, Norway. As well as working as a university lecturerer in dance at The University of Stavanger, Ane Iselin is also making her own work and continues to perform and teach throughout Europe. She holds a BA in Dance from the University of Chester (UK) and a Master’s in Performance from the University of Chichester (UK), where she was awarded the Valerie Briginshaw Award for «Dance Writing and Academic Excellence».
Iselin has been dancing for Flexer & Sandiland and has previously toured nationally and internationally with works by Jonathan Burrows, Bettina Carpi, Rick Nodine, Ofra Idel and Lila Dance. Ane Iselin is a co-founder of two companies in the United Kingdom; Ori Dance and Fluxus Collective.
Her own choreographic works have been shown in England, Spain, Belgium, Norway and the United States.
In fall 2016 Iselin was one of 55 artists who were chosen to participate in an in-depth training programme with David Zambrano and his practices of Flying Low and Passing Through. She continues to follow him and has also assisted him at various festivals and workshops around the world such as Vienna International Dance Festival, CODA Norway, Henny Jurrïens summer intensive and DAR Festival Russia. For the past 4 years Iselin has been a freelance artist within the German dance company Sticky Trace Company (DE) as well as a company dancer for Compani Carpi (UK).